Tuesday, July 31, 2012


22 Februari 1857 - 8 Januari 1941

Pada 22 Februari 1857, 
Robert Stephenson Smyth Baden Powell 
(BP) telah dilahirkan di London, England. Bapanya, 
Reverend H.G. Baden Powell, seorang professor di Universiti Oxford. Ibunya, Henrietta Smyth adalah anak seorang Laksamana British bernama W.T. Smyth. BP mempunyai tujuh orang 
adik-beradik. Pada tahun 1860 semasa BP berusia tiga tahun, bapanya 
meninggal dunia. 
 Dalam tahun 1870 BP belajar di Sekolah 
CharterHouse, London. BP 

bukanlah mempunyai sebarang kelebihan melainkan beliau 
periang dan berbakat dalam bidang sukan serta bidang seni.
Pada tahun 1876 semasa berusia 19 tahun, BP ditauliahkan sebagai Leftenan Muda dalam Pasukan Askar Hussar ke-13 dan ditempatkan di India. Dalam tahun 1883 BP telah dinaikkan 
pangkat sebagai Kapten.
Dalam tahun 1887 BP berada di Afrika menyertai peperangan menentang keganasan orang-orang Zulu serta peperangan 
dengan orang-orang Ashanti dan Matabele. Penduduk tempatan menggelarkan BP sebagai IMPEESA (haiwan yang tidak pernah tidur).
Pada tahun 1899 semasa beumur 42 tahun, BP dinaikkan pangkat sebagai Kolonel hasil dari kecekalan hati, kepintaran mengakap dan kebolehan luarbiasa dalam kerja mengesan. 
DPM Dalam tahun 1899 juga telah berlakunya huruhara di Afrika Selatan. BP telah diperintah untuk menubuhkan 2 batalion 
pasukan tentera berkuda dan pergi ke Mafeking, sebuah Bandar penting di tengah-tengah Afrika Selatan.
Peperangan meletus dari 13 Oktober 1899 hingga 

18 Mei 1900 (217 hari) menyebabkan Mafeking diserang dan dikepung oleh jumlah musuh yang berlipat ganda. Selama kepungan berjalan, rakyat England berasa amat cemas. 
 Namun setelah berita Mafeking telah diselamatkan, BP menjadi pujaan seluruh rakyat England dan telah dinaikkan pangkat 
menjadi Mejar Jeneral.
Pada tahun 1901,BP pulang 

ke England dari Afrika Selatan sebagai hero yang dipuja dan dimuliakan oleh seluruh rakyat England, terutamanya 

budak-budak. Beliau juga mendapati buku karangannya AIDS FOR SCOUTING turut diminati malah dijadikan subjek pelajaran di sekolah.
BP melihat peluang ini untuk berbakti kepada negaranya dengan lebih lanjut lagi lalu mengarang sebuah buku khas untuk budak-budak dengan mengumpulkan pengalaman-pengalaman beliau di India dan Afrika.
Bertitik tolak dari buku khas untuk budak-budak ini, semasa berusia 50 tahun, BP membawa sekumpulan budak lelaki seramai 20 orang ke Pulau Brownsea di Selat Inggeris pada mada musim panas tahun 1907 yang merupakan PERKHEMAHAN BUDAK-BUDAK PENGAKAP PERTAMA DI DUNIA! 
Melalui kejayaan perkhemahan di Pulau Brownsea itu, pada awal tahun 1908, BP telah menerbitkan sebuah buku bernama Scouting For Boys. Diterbitkan setiap 2 minggu sebanyak 6 keluaran, ia mengandungi panduan melatih budak-budak menjadi Pengakap.
 Buku Scouting For Boys telah dijadikan panduan untuk semua Pengakap dunia dan telah mengasaskan SUATU PERGERAKAN yang menyatukan budak-budak seluruh dunia kecuali negara-negara komunis.
Pada tahun 1910, pergerakan ini berkembang begitu   pesat sehingga memaksa BP yang berjawatan sebagai Leftenan Jeneral ketika itu mengambil keputusan untuk berhenti dari pasukan tentera dan menumpukan sepenuh perhatian kepada Pengakap. 
Peperangan Dunia Pertama tahun 1914 telah menyebabkan kegiatan Pengakap tergendala sementara. Namun pada tahun 1920 ahli ahli Pengakap dari seluruh dunia telah berkumpul di London dalam perkumpulan Pengakap antarabangsa yang pertama kali diadakan iaitu JAMBORI PENGKAP SEDUNIA PERTAMA! 
 Pada malam akhir Jambori tersebut iaitu pada 6 Ogos 1920, BP telah diisytiharkan sebagai PENGAKAP AGUNG DUNIA dan disambut dengan tepuk sorak gembira seluruh Pengakap yang hadir.
 Pada tahun 1921, BP telah dianugerahkan darjah kebesaran oleh Kerajaan England dengan gelaran LORD BADEN POWELL of GILWELL tetapi bagi budak Pengakap seluruh dunia, beliap tetap BP yang agung.
Oleh yang demikian, adalah menjadi suatu kehilangan besar kepada semua orang khususnya ahli Pengakap apabila pada 8 Januari 1941 BP meninggal dunia. Mendiang dikebumikan dengan penuh kehormatan di bawah bayang-bayang kelembutan Gunung Kenya. 
Walaupun BP sudah meninggal pada tahun 1941, tetapi jasanya mendisiplinkan kanak-kanak dan remaja melalui ilmu kePengakapan tetap dikenang. Tarikh lahirnya pada 22 Februari telah dijadikan Hari Pengasas Pengakap di seluruh dunia. 

Tunisian-Danish Scout partnership creates a new spring

Scouts have always been searching for ways to make the world a better place and more and more young people across the world are finding a unique and special experience in Scouting - an experience that can affect the course of their life and change their views of the world. Such a spirit has dominated the Tunisian Scouts and one of the Danish National Scout Organizations ‘KFUM Spejderne’ since 2008 when the Danish organization reached out to their peers in the Arab world, proposing cultural exchanges, amongst other objectives for the partnership. The Tunisian Scouts welcomed the initiative warmly, seeing it as a way to help build bridges across cultural differences by finding commonalities in universal Scout values.

At the beginning (in 2008), the partnership was created initially last three years. New friendships were built, communications across borders became seamless and a depth of cross cultural understanding and mutual respect was achieved in this first phase. Then the historic Tunisian Revolution broke out. And throughout the difficult times, the Danish Scouts from KFUM Spejderne resolutely supported the Tunisian cause and expressed that sentiment through several official letters. Through the struggle, Danish and Tunisian Scouts continued to exchange news and updates using social networks. The Tunisian Scouts were deeply touched by the level of concern their Danish counterparts had shown for them.
This close-knit relationship ultimately resulted in the renewal of the 2008-2011 partnership and cooperation was extended for an additional two and a half years. There are two major outcomes of the extended and renewed partnership in the form of two projects. “Reaching Out to Local Communities” and “Future Leaders of Tunisia”. Both projects were inspired by the social evolution occurring in the post revolution Tunisian society.

Reaching out to local communities

The objective of the first project - Reaching Out to Local Communities - is to develop and empower local communities, primarily in the underprivileged regions of Tunisia and also in the local areas in Denmark. This objective will be achieved through strengthening the leadership abilities of young people, increasing their involvement in society and encouraging respect of cultural differences. Two committees comprising of young Scouts collaborating together, one from Denmark and one from Tunisia drafted the project proposal. Through care and perseverance they obtained support from the Danish Youth Council (DUF). Funds were granted and youth leaders from Tunisian and Danish Scouts were given training in Denmark.

 As part of this initiative a joint bus tour around Tunisia was undertaken and this exploratory travel is still in progress. The road trip on the bus started from the south of Tunisia and the expedition has made its way through the country towards the north to eventually reach Tunis, the capital city of Tunisia. In May 2012, the youth leaders drove all the way to Denmark crossing a number of European territories to continue spreading their positive energy collaborating with seven Scandinavian local Scout groups.

Anne-Katherine, Christian, Nourredine, Lea, Maher and Fouad are the main Scout volunteers who have been involved in the project so far. Anne is a 20-year Danish Scout leader who has decided to take a yearlong break in her education in order to broaden her horizons and learn new skills through volunteering. “I can admit that I have acquired a greater understanding of the Tunisian culture through this memorable experience. Engaging in Scout activities overseas has brought about radical changes in my own view of the world. I even think that being exposed to such a different culture has made me consider picking anthropology as a university major” she stated.

 Christian is a medical student who considers medical studies as part of his past: “Since I joined the team, I have been seriously considering abandoning medical school and embarking in a new study field. I can say that I feel a deep inclination to educational sciences. I have felt this interest while as part of our joint Scout project we were running educational activities, which were also great fun, for pupils in Tunisian primary schools. I felt a real pleasure while doing that”.
Christian and Anne were lucky enough to attend the Tunisian Revolution’s anniversary celebrations that took place on January 14th downtown Tunis. “We felt an exquisite emotion of pride, hope and solidarity on that day. Throughout our trip across the country we could see glimpses of patriotism and freedom when observing the gleaming eyes of the children and youth” they said.

 Nourredine, a 25-year-old Tunisian Scout Leader who has graduated in Business English, joined the discussion emphasizing the brilliant cultural exchange happening between the Tunisian and Danish Scout volunteers. He also expressed his joy realising the great social impact that Scout has had on many Tunisian towns he has crossed so far with the team. “The image of a shy little kid in the countryside smiling at the sight of Scouts always left me speechless” he affirmed.

 Anne-Katherine expressed her perception of Scouting as a source of learning timeless life skills in the following way: “For me Scouting is not only about setting up a campfire and baking cookies, Scouting is also about personal growth, youth involvement and their capacity to change, no matter how, the others’ live their lives”. For Anne-Katherine and many others involved in the project, there was no doubt that Scouts were indeed the messengers and agents of change.

Tomorrow’s leaders of Tunisia

Tomorrow’s leaders of Tunisia is the second promising output of the Danish-Tunisian Scout partnership. This project aims at improving the image of Scouting as a driver for social change.
It is a training programme on entrepreneurship for Scouts and young leaders aged between 15 and 35 years. Trainees develop their management skills in order to be able to launch their own professional projects. In Tunisia, unemployment is rampant and it is hoped that equipping many young people with such skills will contribute to bringing employment to more and more youth and helping to eventually reducing the national unemployment rate. 

Six hundred Scouts will be trained during this two and a half year initiative. By the end of the project, at least sixty participants are expected to be able to launch their own businesses. Each new idea will either focus on the development of Tunisian civil society or the creation of jobs. After the initial training, a follow-up process will be implemented, ensuring that the trainees receive sufficient ongoing support in the pursuit of their endeavours. 

In February 2012, the first workshop on creating the training programme took place in the presence of planning committees from both Tunisian and Danish Scouts. On behalf of the Tunisian Scouts, Slim Guizani, the project manager expressed his enthusiasm about the project during the workshop and stressed the importance of exchanging experiences and learning from each other.

 Kristine is another member of the planning team. When asked about her motivation to take part in the project, she answered: “This project is largely based on a strong commitment to bring about change and create new ventures. Since it is my first visit to Tunisia, I have been exposed to intensive cross-cultural encounters. Having to cooperate and come up with results from the first day when you meet new people and on top of that coming from a country with a radically different culture and history was a challenge but a great and life changing experience” she added.

Watching the plans and ideas slowly take shape into real interventions, and seeing first hand results makes one truly believe in the power and benefit of cross-cultural partnerships. Fairness, transparency, mutual respect and co-operation are the values guiding the partnership between the Danish and Tunisian Scouts in their challenging journey towards mutual growth and development. 

The Danish group summed up the feeling of both sides of the partnership: “We are not only going to change something in Tunisia, we are also going to change a lot of things in Denmark. We are not only the leaders of tomorrow, we should also be the leaders of today!”

Burundi hosts 6th Africa Scout Jamboree


Association des Scouts du Burundi (Burundi Scouts Association) aims to put the images of a troubled nation, a reminder of violence and the civil war, behind, and is hosting the 6th Africa Scout Jamboree starting today up to 5th August 2012. Although the war and civil disturbances were officially ended in 2005, rebuilding of the societal peace has taken a long time and Scouts have played a significant role towards this, not only in Burundi but also all over the Great Lakes region around Burundi through the well-known “Amahoro Amani” initiative by Scouts. Under the banner “Scouting for a positive change”, the 6th Africa Scout Jamboree is set to offer an experience of a lifetime for the participants, in a country that, despite its “not-so-rosy” recent past, is fondly referred to as “the heart of Africa”.
ASB’s Legacy
Even in the heart of the civil war, Association des Scouts du Burundi (ASB) was one of the rare local Non-Governmental Organisations that remained the anchor of peace and unity in the country, offering a common platform for all Burundians to come together, regardless of the their ethnic and social backgrounds, to discover themselves, appreciate each other and work together for the development of their country and more importantly the reestablishment of peace.
The Amahoro-Amani Project, a joint initiative of Scouts and Guides organisations from Burundi, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and Rwanda, has been actively contributing to bridging the ethnic divides in the Great Lakes region. Burundi Scouts themselves have done very well through the establishment of 112 Amahoro Amani youth peace clubs across the country, the members of which act as community mediators. This has not only gained Burundi Scouts the popularity, but also an acceptability and respect throughout the country.
Apart from being a well-organized African NSOs, ASB boasts a very robust National Scout Headquarters in the capital city of Bujumbura and a more than decent Scout Centre in Bungere, in the central Province of Gitega, where the 6th Africa Scout Jamboree will be held.
Dry runs to prepare for the Jamboree
To evaluate its capacity to host the 6th Africa Scout Jamboree, Burundi Scouts have successfully organized two dry run events at the Bungere Scout Centre. The first event was the central celebrations for the entire Region for the 2010 Africa Scout Day celebrations, which was preceded by a 3-day camp. The camp included a “Global Development Village” (GDV), an intercultural exchange programme, peace education workshops by the Amahoro-Amani Project, local community service activities, tree planting and environmental discovery. The Burundian Youth and Sports Minister presided over the actual celebration of Africa Scouts Day 2010, with members of the Africa Regional Scout Committee; the Ambassadors to Burundi from France, Kenya and Rwanda, and over 1,000 scouts from 11 countries (Angola, Belgium, Burundi, DRC, Ghana, Kenya, Rwanda, Senegal, Swaziland, Sweden, and Uganda) in attendance.
The second event for the dry run was the 2nd International Peace Gathering (26th December 2011 – 2nd January 2012). It was also the Burundian Youth and Sports Minister who presided over the official opening of this gathering which saw the participation of over 600 Scouts and Guides from Burundi, DRC, Kenya, Rwanda, Sweden and Uganda. The programme focused mainly on peace education, under the banner “Peace, a priority of the great lakes”, but there was also plenty of time for excursion and fun.
Burundi Government’s Support
“The Government of Burundi has fully engaged itself so as to ensure a strong preparation for this important and large-scale Scouting event on the continent. Arrangements were made to facilitate visa acquisitions, local transport and to offer security services to participants”, says the Director General, Ministry of Youth and Sports. The Government of Burundi is committed to use the opportunity of the 6th Africa Scout Jamboree to showcase the East Africa country as a peace-loving country and a peaceful destination. “Nothing will be left to chance”, reassured the officials who were specially appointed by the Government to support Burundi Scouts in the organisation of the 6th Africa Scout Jamboree.
An Experience of a lifetime
The Jamboree is not only receiving participants from all over Africa, but is also welcoming several Scouts from around the world. The 6th Africa Scout Jamboree will be “feeling” and “touching” the heart of Africa. At least, it will be a unique opportunity to experience the people, culture and sceneries of Burundi in a Scouting manner and in the company of other young people from across the world. Burundi’s beautiful, green and undulating landscape embraces the horizon in a way that may make you fall in love with the country at first sight. The heart of Africa, as it is fondly nicknamed, is a landlocked East African country, at the shores of Lake Tanganyika, one of the world’s deepest fresh water lakes, with a population of about 6 million people and a surface area of 27,134 square kilometres.
With contributions from the Africa Regional Office of the World Scout Bureau

latihan Payung Terjun

Latihan payung terjun selepas Hari Raya Aidilfitri anjuran Sekretariat Pengakap Udara Kebangsaan.

Kepada yang berminat, sila emel nama penuh, no. KP, no. HP dan alamat rumah ke m_adzaly@yahoo.com

Anda akan dihubungi kemudian untuk makluman latihan..."Blue Skies"


Sunday, July 29, 2012

8th Asia Pacific Regional - Air Internet Jamboree 2012 3,4 & 5 August, 2012

JOTA 2012
3 - 5 OGOS
***on air
internet, walkie-talkie, siaran radio amatur gelombang 9M2PPM, sidang video dan guna handphone yg canggih

Station Jota 9M2PPM
Malaysia Scouts Head Quarters APR-AIJ will be held in Malaysian Scouts Training Centre, Balakong, Selangor

Untuk maklumat yang lebih terperinci, sila layarihttp://www.qsl.net/9m2ppm/ dan Unit-Komunikasi - PASUKAN LATIHAN NEGARA PPM
hanya untuk tujuan INFORMASI, DATA dan FAKTA ASAS berkenaan
dengan RADIO SCOUTING dan JOTA-JOTI DI MALAYSIA sahaja. Terima kasih.

sekiranya ada sebarang pertanyaan berkenaan program-program tersebut, boleh menghubungi :

Rumah B-P, Jalan Hang Jebat,
50150 Kuala Lumpur,
Tel: 603 20780836
Fax: 603 20709057m


Berikut adalah hasil dari Mesyuarat Majlis Pesuruhjaya PPM Negeri Selangor bersama Pasukan Latihan dan Pasukan Program Negeri Selangor;
1. KOROBORI SELANGOR 2012 - 28 September - 1 Oktober 2012
2. JAMBORI WANITA SELANGOR 2012 - 10 - 13 November 2012
3. Kem Lencana Perkhidmatan & Kem Lencana Jayadiri ~ Pengakap Remaja - 19 - 22 Oktober 2012*
* Tarikh mungkin berubah.

 — di Mutiara Semenyih Training Village And Eco Resort.

Sunday, July 22, 2012


Persekutuan Pengakap Malaysia Daerah Kuala Langat mengucapkan


Buat seluruh umat Islam diseluruh dunia terutamanya ahli Persekutuan Pengakap Malaysia khususnya Negeri Selangor. Kami doakan semoga dengan kehadiran Ramadhan ini, Allah SWT akan memberikan kita dengan 1001 kebaikan dan kebajikan untuk kita semua.


Bongkar Rahsia Pengakap Dan Kaitannya Dengan Agama

Persamaan Logo Pengakap Malaysia dan Pengakap Sedunia

Jika diteliti dan diamati secara mendalam, didapati simbol logo pengakap yang diguna pakai oleh Pengakap Malaysia sekarang mempunyai unsur-unsur keagamaan khususnya Kristian sebagai identiti. Secara umumnya, simbol keagamaan Kristian ialah tiga kelopak bunga lili atau dikenali sebagai Fluer-de-lis. Bukti jelas perbandingan dua logo di bawah menerangkan maksud logo tersebut. Manakala lakaran seterusnya menunjukkan evolusi simbol bungaFleur-de-lis kepada logo Pengakap.

Lakaran evolusi Fleur-de-lis kepada logo Pengakap
Simbol Fleur-de-lis

Fleur-de-lis pada baju Marie de medici
Terjemahan Bahasa Inggeris daripada “fleur-de-lis” (kadang-kadang dieja “fleur-de-lys”). Fleur-de-lis adalah ungkapan di dalam bahasa Perancis yang memberi maksud Bunga Lili iaitu Fleur(Bunga) dan lis (Lili).Secara tradisional, simbol ini telah digunakan untuk mewakili kerabat raja Perancis. Ia digambarkan sebagai menandakan kesempurnaan, cahaya, dan kehidupan. Menurut legenda, bunga ini dikatakan hasil persembahan malaikat kepada Clovis, raja Merovingian kaum Frank. Pemberian bunga ini dikaitkan dengan simbol penghapusan dosa Clovis kerana beliau telah bertukar memeluk Kristian. Selain daripada itu, Clovis jugatelah menggunakan simbol ini kerana tuah bunga lili ini membolehkannya menyeberang sungai dan berjaya dalam pertempuran. Bunga lili menjadi satu pengaruh yang unik kepada simbol-simbol kerajaan beraja di negara-negara Eropah khususnya Perancis dan Sepanyol.
Agama dan Perang
Simbol bunga lili ini telah dijadikan logo pada sepanduk putih oleh Joan of Arcyang menunjukkan tuhan telah memberkati fleur-de-lis menjadi lambang kerajaan Perancis ketika beliau memimpin pasukannya mencapai kemenangan ke atas Inggeris semasa menyokong Dauphin, Charles VII untuk mencari takhta Perancis.

Simbol Fleur-de-lis pada Pope
Susulan daripada kejadian tersebut, Gereja Katolik Rom telah mengatakan bahawa bunga lili sebagai lambang khusus dariPerawan Maria (Virgin Mary). Oleh kerana fleur-de-lis mempunyai tiga “kelopak bunga,” katanya fleur-de-lis juga telah digunakan untuk mewakiliTritunggal Kudus (Holy Trinity).
Oleh itu, penggunaan simbol Fleur-de-lis juga merangkumi simbol-simbol rasmi yang diguna pakai oleh Ketua Paderi Kristian yang bergelar Pope bagi gereja besar Katholik di Vatican, Itali. Penggunaan simbol ini banyak digunakan oleh sebahagian Pope sebagai logo-logo rasmi mereka seperti Pope Vincenzo Raaele Pecci (1810 – 1903), Pope Giovanni Antonio Monthini (1897 – 1978) dan Pope Angelo Geuseppe Roncalli (1881 – 1963).

Simbol Pope berunsurkan Fleur de lis
Penjenamaan Semula Pengakap
Secara dasarnya, aktiviti Pengakap adalah positif dalam membentuk jatidiri dan kendiri seseorang dalam mengharungi rintangan dan cabaran terutamanya sewaktu berada di dalam keadaan darurat atau sesat di dalam hutan. Namun begitu, terdapat beberapa unsur-unsur keagamaan perlu dibersihkan agar ia tidak melambangkan sesuatu anutan atau fahaman agama. Perkara ini adalah penting kerana kita tidak mahu orang Islam yang mengikuti pertubuhan ini secara HALUS telah menggadaikan AQIDAH danSYARIAT Islam yang menjadi IKTIKAD kita. Kalau disalah ertikan, ia boleh membawa kepada MURTAD.

Logo dan penampilan KRS mengikut acuan Malaysia
Oleh itu, satu proses“PENJENAMAAN SEMULA” Pengakap perlu dibuat agar ia BEBAS dari semua elemenSYUBAHAH. Kalau boleh nama Pengakap hendaklah diubahsuai kepada nama lain, logo direka semula dan budaya-budaya dalaman diubahsuai agar sesuai untuk disertai oleh pelajar atau orang Islam. Perkara ini tidak sukar dilakukan. Misalnya penubuhan Kadet Remaja Sekolah (KRS) iaitu sebuah pertubuhan unit beruniform baru ala-kadet di mana KRS ditubuhkan dengan sistem yang tersendiri dan penjenamaan sendiri walaupun sekilas pandang kelihatan ia seperti unit beruniform Kadet Bersatu.
Adakah kita sanggup melihat SIMBOL AGAMA bukan Islam melekat di dada baju anak-anak kita? Dan diusung ke merata tempat tanpa si pemakai mengetahui asal-usul SIMBOL tersebut? Pendedahan ini bukanlah bertujuan untuk mencadangkan agar PENGAKAP diHARAMkan tetapi perlunya penapisan yang sangat HALUS terhadap elemen-elemennya agar KEBAIKANdan MANFAAT daripadanya dapat diserap manakala KEKURANGAN dan MUDARAT yang tidak KELIHATAN dapat dielakkan.

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